What is Anthrocyberism?

Anthrocyberism- noun

1.The study of developments in computers and software within the framework of human evolution. Understanding the development of technology as occurring in parallel to human development and reflecting the stages of human evolution.

2. A human linked with a computer or computing/processing device.
She’s been in anthrocyber mode, scrolling, ‘liking’ and watching videos all day.

3. To create a link, through physical integration or sensory interaction, between a human being and a computing/processing device.
They’re going to anthrocyber him with a microchip in his brain.

4.Work toward a greater understanding of human/computer integration.
The RFID chip is not simply and only a device, let’s anthrocyber the topic to understand it more.
5.To engage in activities that further and deepen the integration of humans and machines.
The Transhumanists are increasing their rate of anthrocybering.

6. Using computers and computing devices to perform anthropological work.

. The study of developments in computers and software within the framework of human evolution.


Anthrocyberism is the active study and examination of the human-technology continuum, with particular emphasis upon computer based technologies. The Anthrocyberist observes and evaluates the sociocultural, cognitive and physical developments in humankind mediated by modern technological advancements. An anthrocyberist may also participate in human modification.

All who practice Anthrocyberism are welcome here!

Water on Mars

The discovery of water on the planet Mars is an excellent opportunity to observe ourselves as we probe and test a new land.
What are we looking for?
Is the search for extraterrestrial life part of our quest to find the origins of the human race? Would this be in the hope that answers to that question should lead to an understanding of our purpose in the cosmic continuum? If such profundities inspire these excursions, they certainly can’t sustain them. Capturing areas of space and celestial bodies pays for itself when the matter and energy of which they are comprised are defined as resources and commodified. Such a journey is carried out in the spirit of a kind of extraterrestrial hunting expedition, with knowledge and resources as prized game.
Of course, we know that there is no “ultimate question”, and truth seeking with that sort of paradigm in mind would be a mislead endeavour. When answers are found, they set up the next set of questions. So, I dare say that we’re not there to soothe our furrowed, philosophical brows.

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